Over the years I've probably tried most major brands of antiperspirants out there only to realize after really looking at the ingredients that I didn't know what most of them were; and, when I did look up the ingredients I was stunned and wondered how some of these are allowed in a product we put on and is absorbed by our skin every day.
Twelve years ago I met a fabulous fit woman at a library with our then year old daughters. She is an amazing athlete and a yoga and health/fitness coach and believes in sweating and letting your body do its natural thing. Sweat gets rid of impurities. Okay, so sweating and stinking while exercising I can handle but I can't handle smelly pits any other time. So, for ten years I've tried various natural deodorants (and not all are really natural) from the rock to expensive brands such as Dr. Hauschka, Weleda, Tom's of Maine, Nature's Gate, Desert Essence, JASON, and more. These all smelled nice but after a few hours of a normal work day (not even exerting myself) but sweating a little, I smelled! Yuck! It took some time to get used to, but I can handle a little sweat in my pits but not the smell. I worked around a lot of kids (and while middle school kids smell I didn't want to smell like them).
So, finally, 2 months ago I finally found a deodorant that works ALL day and into the next day. Expensive? Nope. Cheap, and I make it at home thanks to the woman I see for my indulgent organic facials every few months. If you live or visit Litchfield County or Berkshire County you must make an appointment to see Ren at Renew Skin Wellness.
Here is her recipe (adapted from research and testing it on herself):
- 1/8 cup baking soda (I use aluminum free from the bulk bin at my local co-op)
- 1/8 cup arrowroot (bulk bin) (can also use cornstarch)
- 2-3 tablespoons organic coconut oil
- 2 drops tea tree oil (I buy organic)
- 3 drop lavender oil (I buy organic)
Or, use any combination of essential oils that you like.
Mix it all up and put it in a pretty glass jar or stainless steel container (I don't use plastic). Use your finger to scoop out a little bit (about 1/4 tsp per pit) and spread it on. It rubs in nice and clear. The deodorant will liquify at temperatures about 75 degrees making it a little messier to put on; but, it works just as well. So, what are you waiting for?